
Piper (2016)

Rated G 6 min - Family Animation
A mother bird tries to teach her little one how to find food by herself. In the process, she encounters a traumatic experience that she must overcome in order to survive.

Release Date: June 8, 2016

16 Movie Reviews
  • aynonoymusover 8 years
    • aynonoymusover 8 years
      This awesome short film was shown before Finding Dory. Both were great and super cute.
      • waterlily1255
        waterlily1255over 8 years33 popcorn
        A movie before a movie, huh.? Wonder where that idea came from?! A good movie though!!
        • Jaikeover 8 years
          This advert is so cute and it looks like piper learns pretty quick. Lucky those crabs were around other wise piper wouldn,t have gone to get some food.
          • Mrs. Dover 8 years
            I have not seen this movie but it looks cute!
            • Phanover 8 years
              The baby was so adorable I was half expecting it to get eaten by a shark, luckily it wasnt one of those sad movies!
              • Anonymousover 8 years
                This awesome short film was shown before Finding Dory. Both were great and super cute.
                • dance6002
                  dance6002over 8 years
                  very cute short so CUTE
                  • tristanover 8 years
                    i saw it before finding dory to i really liked it it was really cute!
                    • fluffpop
                      fluffpopover 8 years55 popcorn
                      I saw it before watching finding dory. it was so cute! it was also very creative, I thought.

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