Soul SurferSoul SurferSoul SurferSoul SurferSoul SurferSoul Surfer
Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer (2011)

Rated PG 112 min - Family Drama
The true story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm in a shark attack and courageously overcame all odds to become a champion again, through her sheer determination and unwavering faith.

Directors: Sean McNamara

Cast: Annasophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, Lorraine Nicholson, and Carrie Underwood

Release Date: April 8, 2011

382 Movie Reviews
  • zoe_chan
    zoe_chanalmost 3 years
    I want to watch it bc it has a hole on the side of the surf board and the girl only holds one side of the board
    • lilnaynay
      lilnaynayabout 3 years55 popcorn
      This movie is really fun and funny I love how they got to make a cartoon image and how he went to a place and learned stuff.
      • lizzz
        lizzzover 3 years55 popcorn
        Wowey wow wow. She will now be my new role model!
        • eli-yokutg
          eli-yokutgabout 4 years
          I've been thinking about watching it so thx for inspiring me
          • luckycat5414
            luckycat5414about 4 years55 popcorn
            I absolutely LOVE this movie it's the best! It inspired me well because... once I was out in the ocean-going paddleboarding with my dad. It was choppy in the water and murky... we could not get back to shore... but of course, we did. from that day I am very scared. but anymore because of THIS movie.
            • Luckycat5412about 4 years
              I LOVE this movie! It really inspired me!
              • howls
                howlsover 4 years55 popcorn
                The true story of Bethany Hamilton a girl who lost her arm in a shark attack and overcame the odds and be came a champion it's so perfect and now she's my role model I want to be just like her 🏄
                • lolatheute
                  lolatheutealmost 5 years55 popcorn
                  Soul Surfer is about a young teen named Bethany. In a shark accident she loses her arm. But she never stops believing and keeps on surfs with one arm! I like this movie because it is a true story and has an amazing storyline and I would give it a 5/5
                  • peaceful
                    peacefulalmost 5 years
                    Because she has to suffer with one arm and I think that it's awsome.
                    • batyrefo-158067550621
                      batyrefo-158067550621almost 5 years
                      I watched this move and i loved it but she got us to having one arm .I don't blame her for getting up set and scared and woreing about it .

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