The Princess Bride (1987)
In this enchantingly cracked fairy tale, the beautiful Princess Buttercup and the dashing Westley must overcome staggering odds to find happiness amid six-fingered swordsmen, murderous princes, Sicilians and rodents of unusual size. But even death can't stop these true lovebirds from triumphing.
Directors: Rob Reiner
Cast: Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, and Christopher Guest
Release Date: September 25, 1987
62 Movie Reviews
- this is my FAVORITE movie, i highly recomend it, let me know if you enjoy it as much as i do!
- brave_13about 10 yearsme and my dad watch this movie like everyday and we just laugh because the acting is kinda really bad but watch it is a ight movie
- I love this movie so much and I think that everyone should watch it because it teaches that things are not always as they seem and that is a lesson that everyone should know.
- I love this movie so much.
- A good movie that though the title sounds girly, it isn't. There is a little bit of cursing but it has funny scenes and great storyline.
- I absolutely ADORE this movie!
- halo1712about 10 yearsI LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my dad goes to comacon every year and saw the guy who plays the prince in person. a little girl was there and hugged him twice FYI she didn't hug my dad twice
- sharbear34about 10 yearsBEST MOVIE EVER!!! I know every line from beginning to end. It will suck you in whether you like it or love it! It's amazing combonation of romance, comedy, and action!
- Oh My Word I love this movie! Seriously, ignore the bad trailer this is my favorite movie of all time just watch it trust me! I love quoting, have the book, etc. Watch this movie!!!!!
- The Princess Bride is has a fascinating story behind it about two young adults who fall in love but are separated until the end. It is a good movie for ages 7+