cardinal22's Activity (9)

  • mroetken
    mroetken added a new comment in
    With Halloween right around the corner, this book would be great for my students to checkout from my library. They enjoy nonfiction, weird facts as well as pictures.
    About 4 years ago
  • mroetken
    mroetken added a new comment in
    This book would be great for my classroom library. I already have Kid Presidents and the students really enjoy it.
    About 8 years ago
  • cardinal22
    cardinal22 has joined a reading program.
    Over 8 years ago
  • mroetken
    mroetken added a new comment in
    My students are always excited for new books and a new series. I have a group that is very interested in the fantasy genre.
    Over 8 years ago
  • cardinal22
    cardinal22 added a new comment in
    I want this book because I love adventures and it looks like an interesting book.
    About 9 years ago
  • cardinal22
    cardinal22 added a new comment in
    It looks like A great book and it's a 5 star book and if I like it i'll get the other books in the series.
    About 9 years ago
  • cardinal22
    cardinal22 added a new comment in
    I like animals and I like books on animals. It seems like a great book because it is about two sides of the town not getting along. Anytime there is a book where there is a battle between animals it is interesting.
    About 9 years ago
  • mroetken
    mroetkenis now following cardinal22.
    About 9 years ago
  • cardinal22
    cardinal22is now following mroetken.
    About 9 years ago

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Joined Summer Reading 2016

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6684cheesenugget200 points
6685charlotte808200 points
6686chankanito200 points
6687cattwilight217200 points
6688caseyv43200 points
6689cardinal22200 points
6690caitlyn556200 points
6691ca25paji200 points
6692buuhh200 points
6693burgerflipper99200 points