You guys don't understand that you cant just take away guns...Even if you could they wouldn't because say someone breaks into your house and is about to come in your room but the goverment took away your guns the other day, so what happens now you get shot is what happens. Obviously I have no clue where you guys live but our state has the lightest gun laws and the least amount of gun violence, on the other hand Chicago has the highest gun laws and the highest amount of gun violence...My point here is banning guns or stricter gun laws will not do anything, a good comparison would be that drugs are banned and guess what people are stilling doing it and still dieing. Another point is that is it not the guns fault that people are dieing it is the persons fault. It is just like you got in a car accident with a drunk driver, you wouldn't blame the car would you no you would not you would blame the driver. Also if they banned guns all of the good people would give their guns away, while the bad people don't give away their guns and all of the people that should have guns don't and people that shouldn't have one do. The moral of the story is that banning guns won't do anything.